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Showing posts from 2021

Goodbye 2021. I'm not going to miss you.

Kind of hoped that I'd have more to talk about for another end of the year post. I do not. 2021 was a close repeat of 2020, only with more vaccines, and slightly less lockdown. Slightly. Like 10% less lockdown. I don't know, I am not great at math.  As of right now, my province is under level alert 3, which... all things considered, could be worse. 50% capacity in most places, limit of 20 people per private gathering. We're stuck like this until January 10th. No one likes it. No one . We're getting record levels of cases, and it's to the point that contact tracing is backlogged. I don't know. I'm just kind of... done, I guess. It's been a long, long two years and I will not be sad to see 2021 go. Nothing happened. It's like the entire world got put on pause for an entire year. It was weird . I did not get much written this year. My 4thewords total says around 368k, and that's better than I expected. I didn't get anything finished. There were
 So, uh, early last month I started posting a serial again! Yeah, I just didn't want to mention anything about it before I got the ball rolling (look, I know how bad my own momentum is, and therefore, I needed a while). It's up on Wattpad .  Part of this is that I'm trying to fight my own perfectionism, which is why it's an early draft. This might all get cut or cleaned up a lot later on for an ebook release, but right now, it's a bit meandering and light on description. Some people might still want to read that, I don't know, but it's better than me having this sit on my computer/4thewords account and just fretting over how good or not good it is. Part of this is that I haven't been posting anything in public for three years, and it's like I have to get back on the horse, relearn how to walk, whatever metaphor works best, I don't know. It may or may not take me a while to get my footing, but I am also a bad judge of that.  If you've read The

One year after the pandemic began

Over here on my little island we're just coming out of level 5 lockdown. For the last month, we've been dealing with a massive cluster of cases along with one of the Covid-19 variants. It appears to be settling down now. We've had the longest provincial election ever (which still isn't over, by the way!). We have a vaccine plan now so the ball is finally rolling on that. I am genuinely not sure what day it is because of how repetitive everything has been. In fact, I started using a planner not because I had anything to keep track of, but because it's proof that something happened each day. It is not a very big planner, just an A6-sized one. I've also been spending a lot of time playing Stardew Valley. It's taken me three months to watch a single season of Supernatural (because I figured I may as well watch the entire show now it's over. Yes, I know it goes off the rails after like season five. No, I don't actually care. I don't watch television