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Showing posts from December, 2020
 Well, here we are. Coming up on the end of the weirdest year ever . Or at least, I think we are. It is December, right? I have had no sense of time for the last eight or so months. Everything blurs together. I would like to say that I'm going into 2021 with a whole bunch of stuff written, but... I do not. It was a lot of starting and stopping all year long. Could not drum up the energy to focus on anything for very long. It's starting to improve, but still too early to tell if it can be sustained.  I'm also pretty sure that at the beginning of the year I said that I was going to post more about writing with ADHD and then... did not do that (which feels kind of on brand, doesn't it?). I mean, I've been spending the last eight-ish months living with even more time blindness than I have in my entire life. Of course, playing Stardew Valley did not help with this -- and I only got into it in the last couple of months. I could go with never seeing the words "in thes