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Showing posts from December, 2018

I have not forgotten this blog...

I just had nothing to say for the last few months. Anyway, so we're coming up at the end of the year, so I guess this is a tiny recap of the year past. Not a whole lot happened, life-wise, but I did get some stuff done (like finding a job. Finally. Hooray). Writing-wise, I've gotten, well, quite a bit done but at the same time, none of it is actually finished? Like ready for another person's eyeballs to see it? It might just be my anxiety getting to me and also me being my own worst critic. But in any case, according to my stats in 4thewords (which, by the way, I love because it gives me clear goals to keep up with), I've written 462 413 words. But that's only for the second half of the year because I started using 4TW at the end of July. There's another two nearly-completed drafts (one actually was and then I got all fidgety and decided that something had to be wrong about it and shoved it back into drafts), which is probably a total of 150 000 words betwee