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Showing posts from 2022
 Has it actually been nine months since I posted last?!? Time must have gotten away from me.  I suppose I don't like posting when I have nothing to say, other than the fact that I have been having the worst luck technology-wise. This is what I mean: finally upgraded my 10+ year old laptop to a refurbished ~4 year old year laptop (I think). Good! Also, I don't think I can ever go back to non-business-grade laptops now. I think it's the matte screen. Bad: the brand new external hard drive I bought to go along with the laptop (because it had a smaller hard drive than my older laptop) basically was near-dead the day I got it. After trying to make it work for two weeks, I finally send it back for a refund.  Refund cost me $25 for shipping because they only do free UPS return shipping and the nearest UPS place is like over an hour's drive away. Not great. But whatever, it's out of my hands. Laptop is fine for several months. Yay. I do Camp NaNoWriMo during this time, sinc