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Showing posts from 2018

I have not forgotten this blog...

I just had nothing to say for the last few months. Anyway, so we're coming up at the end of the year, so I guess this is a tiny recap of the year past. Not a whole lot happened, life-wise, but I did get some stuff done (like finding a job. Finally. Hooray). Writing-wise, I've gotten, well, quite a bit done but at the same time, none of it is actually finished? Like ready for another person's eyeballs to see it? It might just be my anxiety getting to me and also me being my own worst critic. But in any case, according to my stats in 4thewords (which, by the way, I love because it gives me clear goals to keep up with), I've written 462 413 words. But that's only for the second half of the year because I started using 4TW at the end of July. There's another two nearly-completed drafts (one actually was and then I got all fidgety and decided that something had to be wrong about it and shoved it back into drafts), which is probably a total of 150 000 words betwee

So, I apparently forgot that I had this blog. Whoops.

Anyway, in the last few months (!!) since I updated (if you could even call that last one an update), I have written two full drafts, and am currently halfway through another. The first of the three will likely never see the light of day. The other two will eventually appear under a pen name (which has not been finalized, so that's why I'm being intentionally vague). I've been using slightly different techniques with all of these drafts. The reason why I'm pretty sure I messed up the first of the three was because I was trying to force it to match story beats, and it just was not working. At all. I got so focused on it matching precisely that the actual story itself started to suffer. Some people can use a beat structure - I appear to not be one of them. I ended up halting that draft at about 40k. The second one was basically pantsed, but it needed a fair amount of editing to expand it. It still  needs a bit more editing, which means that it'll delay its releas

The obligatory first post.

I am only back on Blogger because costs more to use somehow . I try to use my own domains but somehow that's incompatible and costs more money. Ugh. Anyway, there's going to be a few bumps here and there as I get things set up here (including layout). It's been a very, very long time since I used Blogger at all. My last website was on Wordpress, but I guess I'm moving everything here instead despite that. For the last... four years, I think? I've had an online serial. A handful of you may have read it. It was called The Wake, got to three volumes and then I stopped writing it (which I'll explain about later). And then I tried something else, and I honestly have no idea if I had any readers because I turned off the comments. Oops. And then it got to website renewal time and I realised it wasn't worth the cost of having the site anymore. (And yes, clearly it worked so well the first time that I'm just going to keep doing it? There is a meth